Wood Sorrel
The Od Force
of the above ground fresh parts of the plant is used as one of the components
in preparation of the remedy. It is a non-poisonous edible plant.
It withdraws
the focus due to astringency. It refocuses the diversions from diuretic,
emmenagogue, and expectorant activities. It is not contraindicated at all for
people suffering from gastritis or a calculus condition.
It stops the
new activity of the human system from the diverted heartburn, vomiting, nausea,
cramps to back the system in its previous focus. It is used to repair any
damage/diversion due to potential shifting from downed high blood pressure,
force applied on the menstrual irregularities for regularization. It protects
attempts to cause new centre of disease from the sufferings of varicose veins.
reestablishes the place of action of diseases of skin rashes, swellings, and inflammation
as was in previous status. It acts against the diarrhea and
hemorrhage, and soothes the aggravated gout, kidney ailments, inflammation of
the urinary tract e.g. cystitis and rheumatoid arthritis.
oxalic acid has aptitude to bind up the body's supply of calcium, iron, some
other minerals leading to nutritional and other deficiency the Od Force here in
question is undoubtedly superb in keeping the said deficiency controlled to
foil any attempt to do rheumatism, arthritis, gout, kidney stones or hyperacidity
in the human system.
Its beneficial roles in repairing wear and tear caused from
forceful the immune system and toxin scavenging in the body in the context of
the whole of the human system can not be overlooked.
internal creation of oxalic acid from vitamin C, amino acid and other sources
and unusual intake of it from the dietary sources is highly safe for exclusion
in the hands of the Od Force of this plant, It is very useful in pregnant
The relative contribution of both exogenous as
well as endogenous oxalate in the process of calculogenesis is under various
nutritional stress conditions. The Od Force in question takes important role in
withdrawing the aforestated stress.
The patients having inadvertent intake of
oxalogenic precursors in their diet, as stone formers they may have a metabolic
defect in the handling of these precursors. To over- come this situation the Od
Force talked of here may be very useful.
Metabolically the toxicity is may be due to the
capacity of oxalic acid to immobilize calcium and thus upset the
calcium-potassium ratio in critical tissues. In such situation the said Od
Force can break the upset. Hyperoxalemia can be aggravated by vitamin C
supplementation in regular hemodialysis patients. To rescue the patients from
the aggravation this Od Force may be called for.
Glomerular and interstitial fibrosis and round cell
infiltration as well as tubular cyst formation, advanced renal failure, the
secondary oxalosis of chronic renal failure, aggravated hyperoxalemia due to
supplementation of Vitamin-C may find their healing track in the administration
of this Od Force.
This Od Force may be used to cope up with the severe respiratory tract irritation, mucosal ulceration, coughing, headache, anxiety, vomiting, and weakness from exposures, immediate oxalic acid corrosive effects of the mucous membranes of the oropharynx and the esophagus, severe epigastric pain, hematemesis, and hemorrhagic gastritis.The immediate gastrointestinal findings and systemic findings may be delayed.
Tetany, seizures, muscle twitching, drowsiness, stupor, coma,and cardiovascular collapse, Kidney damage with flank pain, oliguria, anuria, and hematuria are in the capacity of this Od Force. The formation of the complex between oxalic acid and calcium insoluble at physiological pH and depositable in the brain and renal tubules may also be taken into consideration for administration of this Od Force. Resultant hypocalcemia responsible for the muscular and cardiovascular effects is also another target, although hypovolemic shock from gastroenteritis or hemorrhage may also cause cardiovascular collapse.For hypotension and hypovolemic shock developed followed by cardiac dysrhythmias we may use this Od Force.
Hepatic necrosis
of severe order, hypocalcemia and
resultant muscle twitching, cramps, CNS depression and tetany may be considered for the intervention
of this Od Force.
The diversion caused from the constitutive
inhibition of atherosclerosis may be withdrawn by this Od Force.
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